Saturday, June 30, 2007

A good excerpt...!!!

"One other thing about dreams. I had a friend named Deutsch, whose wife was from a family of psychoanalysts in Vienna. One evening, during a long discussion about dreams, he told me that dreams have significance: there are symbols in dreams that can be interpreted psychoanalytically. I didn't believe most of this stuff, but that night I had an interesting dream: We're playing a game on a billiard table with three balls,a white ball, a green ball, and a gray ball,and the name of the game is ...titsies.
There was something about trying to get the balls into the pocket: the white ball and the green ball are easy to sink into the pocket, but the gray one, I can't get to it.

I wake up, and the dream is very easy to interpret: the name of the game gives it away, of course them's girls! The white ball was easy to figure out, because I was going out, sneakily, with a married woman who worked at the time as a cashier in a cafeteria and wore a white uniform. The green one was also easy, because I had gone out about two nights before to a drive in movie with a girl in a green dress. But the gray one what the hell was the gray one? I knew it had to be somebody ; I felt it. It's like when you're trying to remember a name, and it's on the tip of your tongue, but you can't get it.

It took me half a day before I remembered that I had said goodbye to a girl I liked very much, who had gone to Italy about two or three months before. She was a very nice girl, and I had decided that when she came back I was going to see her again. I don't know if she wore a gray suit, but it was perfectly clear, as soon as I thought of her, that she was the gray one."

....Taken from "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman: Adventures of a Curious Character

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